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How does diet affect hair health?

How does diet affect hair health?

How does diet affect hair health? Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin, and it requires a balanced diet to grow and maintain its health. If we lack essential nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamins and minerals, it can result in hair loss. In addition, consuming an unhealthy diet, such as processed foods, high sugar and high fat content, can lead to inflammation in the body. Inflammation can damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Foods that cause hair loss

Let's take a look at some of the foods that can cause cancer. hair loss.


Consuming a high amount of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss.


Trans fats are unhealthy fats found in fried and processed foods. Eating a diet rich in trans fats can cause inflammation in the body, leading to hair loss.

Foods with a high glycaemic index

Foods with a high glycaemic index, such as white bread, pasta and rice, can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to inflammation and hair loss.

A diet with too little protein

Keratin, the basic building block of our hair, is a protein. A lack of protein puts you at greater risk of hair loss. Protein can be obtained from lean meat, lentils, spinach, beans, tofu and more.

Food without Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that our body needs but cannot produce on its own, can lead to hair loss. Omega 3s are important for maintaining healthy hair follicles, and a deficiency can result in weak and brittle hair, leading to hair loss.Therefore, it is crucial to consume foods rich in Omega 3s or consider taking supplements to maintain healthy hair.


Consuming too much alcohol can lead to dehydration and nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to hair loss.

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can cause inflammation and damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Semi-finished products

Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and salt, which can cause inflammation and nutritional deficiencies, leading to hair loss.

Vitamin A

Although vitamin A is important for hair health, consuming too much can be harmful. Consuming excess vitamin A can lead to hair loss.

Too little calcium in their diet

Lack of calcium is a very common factor in hair loss but not many people pay enough attention to it. While it is important to note the benefits of calcium for hair, it is equally important to know the consequences of a lack of calcium. By far the most common are dairy products, leafy vegetables and nuts. Vegetable alternatives to milk are often enriched with calcium.


In conclusion, our diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair. Eating a balanced diet, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, can help prevent hair loss. On the other hand, consuming an unhealthy diet, rich in sugar, trans fats and processed foods, can lead to inflammation, nutrient deficiencies and hair loss. Therefore, eating a healthy diet is essential for healthy hair. If you are trying to achieve a balance and want to know how your body feels, you can take a health test. 

In addition to dietary changes, some lifestyle changes can also help prevent hair loss. 

Does castor oil increase hair growth?

Can castor oil promote hair growth?

While there is currently no definitive evidence to support the claim that castor oil directly affects faster hair growth, its indirect application to the scalp can still benefit hair health and potentially create a favourable environment for increased hair growth. Castor oil has many positive properties, including omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids and vitamin E, all of which are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits. Using castor oil in combination with high-quality hair products after a hair transplant can help promote healthy hair growth.

It is important to note that the effects of castor oil are not universal. For people who experience inflammatory hair loss, castor oil's anti-inflammatory properties may possibly promote the growth of hair. On the other hand, castor oil may have limited or no effect on severe hair loss in both men and women, including nutritional hair loss.

It is important to understand that castor oil is a form of home treatment and there is no scientifically established evidence of its action. If you are experiencing problems with your scalp, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist for professional advice and appropriate action for your scalp problems. A visit to a specialist can help ensure that you receive adequate and science-based care for your individual needs.

Hydrafacial keravive for hair loss.

Are you tired of experiencing hair loss and not seeing any results from traditional hair growth treatments? If so, you may want to try the latest hair restoration technology: Hydrafacial Keravive. This innovative treatment is designed to promote hair growth and restore scalp health using a unique combination of cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising techniques.

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for both men and women. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, an estimated 80 million Americans experience hair loss, which can be caused by genetics, age, hormonal changes, stress and certain medical conditions.

While there are various treatments available to prevent or slow down hair loss, such as topical solutions, oral medications and hair transplant surgery, these options are not always effective for everyone. That's where Hydrafacial Keravive comes in as a potential solution for those struggling with hair loss.

What is Hydrafacial Keravive?

Hydrafacial Keravive is a unique hair restoration treatment that uses patented technology to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise the scalp, promoting hair growth and restoring scalp health. This treatment involves three steps, including:

  • HydraFacial Vortex Cleansing: This step uses a special device that delivers a controlled stream of water to cleanse the scalp of impurities, dead skin cells and excess sebum.
  • Keravive Peptide Complex Solution: This step involves applying a proprietary blend of peptides, growth factors and proteins to the scalp to nourish and stimulate hair growth.
  • HydraFacial CTGF (Connective Tissue Growth Factor): This final step involves adding a serum to the scalp to promote collagen production, improve scalp health and enhance hair growth.

How does Hydrafacial Keravive work?

Hydrafacial Keravive works by improving the health of the scalp, which is important for promoting hair growth. Hydrafacial Keravive's three-step process targets the root cause of hair loss by:

  • Cleans the scalp of impurities and dead skin cells that can clog hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.
  • Adds essential nutrients to the scalp to nourish and stimulate hair growth.
  • Promotes collagen production, which strengthens hair follicles and improves scalp health.
  • Promotes hair growth: Hydrafacial Keravive promotes hair growth by stimulating blood circulation and providing essential nutrients to the scalp.
  • Improves scalp health: The treatment improves scalp health by removing impurities and dead skin cells, reducing inflammation and promoting collagen production.

Who is a good candidate for Hydrafacial Keravive?

Hydrafacial Keravive is suitable for people who experience hair loss, thinning hair or a dry and itchy scalp. It is also suitable for people who want to improve the overall health and appearance of their scalp and hair.

How soon will you see results from Hydrafacial Keravive?

Individual results may vary, but many individuals report seeing noticeable improvements in scalp health and hair growth within a few weeks of the first treatment. Optimal results are usually achieved after several treatments over several months.

How long do the results of Hydrafacial Keravive last?

The results of Hydrafacial Keravive can last for several months, but individual results may vary. It is recommended to undergo multiple treatments for optimal results, and maintenance treatments may be required to maintain results.


Dermaroller for hair loss

Dermarollers have become a popular beauty device in recent years thanks to their many benefits, including the ability to improve the appearance of the skin and promote hair growth. However, many people are still unaware of how these tiny needles can help tackle hair loss. In this article, we will explore how a dermaroller can be beneficial for hair loss and what its function is.


A dermaroller is a small manual device that has tiny needles on its surface. When these are rolled over the skin or scalp, small punctures are created on the surface of the skin, which in turn initiates the body's natural healing process. This healing process involves the production of collagen and the release of growth factors, which can be contributing factors in promoting hair growth.


Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, such as genetics, stress and hormonal imbalances. A common cause of hair loss is the presence of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a by-product of testosterone and can cause a shrinkage of hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

The use of a dermaroller can help combat hair loss by increasing blood circulation and stimulating the hair follicles. The small punctures created by the needles encourage the body to produce collagen and growth factors, which in turn can promote healthy hair growth. In addition, the increased blood circulation to the scalp can help transport essential nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, which in turn can improve their health and function.


Before using a dermaroller, it is important to ensure that your scalp is clean and free of any products or deposits. It is also crucial to choose the right needle size for your specific hair type and condition. For hair loss, a needle size of 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm is recommended.

When applying the dermaroller to the scalp, divide the head into sections and roll the device back and forth over each section for several minutes. It is important to be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can cause damage to the scalp.

Hair serums are specialised hair care products that contain active ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and plant extracts, and are designed to nourish and strengthen the hair. By combining dermarolling with a high-quality hair serum, you can help increase the absorption of these beneficial ingredients and optimise the results of your skincare routine.

Does a lack of protein cause hair loss?

Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women and there are many factors that contribute to the problem, one of the most debated factors is the role of protein in hair health. Some believe that a lack of protein in the diet can lead to hair loss, while others claim that other factors, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances, are more significant. In this article, we will explore the relationship between protein and hair loss to determine if protein deficiency is a significant cause of hair loss.

what is the role of protein?

Before delving into the relationship between protein and hair loss, it is important to understand what protein is and its role in the body. Protein is a macronutrient composed of amino acids that play a crucial role in building and repairing tissues in the body. It is also responsible for the growth and maintenance of hair, skin and nails. Protein is found in both animal and plant-based foods, with animal sources, such as meat, fish and dairy products, being more concentrated sources of protein.

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is a natural process that occurs as part of the growth cycle of our hair. On average, we lose around 50-100 hairs per day, which is considered normal. However, when the rate of hair loss exceeds hair growth, it can lead to hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, medication and certain medical conditions.

The relationship between protein and hair loss

Protein plays a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance. Hair follicles are made up of protein, and without a sufficient supply of protein, the hair growth cycle can be disrupted. Protein is also responsible for the production of keratin, a protein that makes up the hair shaft, giving the hair its strength and elasticity.

Several studies have looked at the link between protein and hair loss and one of these is the Journal of Investigative Dermatology which found that protein deficiency can lead to hair loss in both men and women. The study found that mice fed a low-protein diet experienced more hair loss and reduced hair growth. In addition, a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that a diet rich in protein can help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. However, it is important to note that protein deficiency is not the only cause of hair loss but also other factors such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. The most important thing is to deal with it underlying problem to maintain healthy hair.

Protein-rich food to prevent hair loss

If you experience hair loss, increasing your protein intake can be a useful strategy to promote hair growth. Foods high in protein include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Adding these foods to your diet can give your body the amino acids it needs to build and maintain healthy hair. In addition to protein, there are other nutrients that can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. These include iron, zinc, vitamin D and biotin. These nutrients can be found in a variety of foods such as leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, seeds and fortified cereals.


Although the relationship between protein and hair loss is complex, it is clear that protein plays a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance. If you are experiencing hair loss, increasing your protein intake can be a useful strategy to promote hair growth. However, it is important to address underlying issues that may contribute to hair loss, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. By making dietary and lifestyle changes, you can take steps to maintain healthy and vibrant hair.

Antibiotics can cause hair loss
Antibiotics and hair loss

We understand that many people suffer from hair loss and there are many different factors that can cause this problem. Antibiotics are a type of medicine used to fight infections and diseases and work by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. But sometimes antibiotics can also kill the good bacteria found in our body. These good bacteria help keep our body healthy and promote hair growth.

A rare side effect of taking antibiotics is hair loss, the antibiotics do not attack the hair indirectly but disrupt the body's natural balance of bacteria and thus hair loss can occur in some people. If you experience hair loss after using antibiotics, you should consult your doctor to first rule out other causes of your hair loss, as well as other types of medication that can also cause this side effect and should be ruled out before suspecting the antibiotic. It is important to note that not all types of antibiotics cause hair loss.

In summary, the use of antibiotics can cause hair loss by killing the good bacteria present in our body. It is important to note that this does not apply to all types of antibiotics and it is important to talk to your doctor if you experience hair loss while taking antibiotics.