Sweden's most experienced hair clinic
Hair styling on thin hair

Have you found yourself losing more hair than usual or feeling that your hair is thin? Then it may be a good idea to review the type of hair care you use for your hair. When choosing hair styling, you should think: natural is best!

Recently in "Hårpodden", Firo who is the business manager at Akacia Medical told us that he recommends minimal hair styling on fragile hair. A product that is natural but gives some stability to your hair is Ocean mistor as we say in Sweden; Salt water spray and it is a product made from basically just salt and water.

Using thick hair styling products on your scalp can clog your scalp and contribute to imbalance, for example Dax wax is a product that is really hard to wash out of your hair.

But even hair styling with heat tools can damage your hair and eventually lead to mechanical damage to the hair. So please use these tools in moderation. Colouring your hair is also a strain on your hair. So if you need to colour your hair, it's best to do it at the hairdresser's and preferably apply the colour in loops with foil a bit away from the scalp to avoid chemicals on your hair roots.

Here are some hair styling tips for thin hair
  • Wash your hair in the morning instead of the evening, as your hair looks fuller immediately after washing.
  • Avoid hairspray as it weighs down the hair, try salt water spray instead.
  • Cut your hair in a medium length hairstyle, it is easier to add volume when your hair is not so long and heavy.
  • When blow-drying your hair, blow-dry your hair with a round brush to bring up volume from the roots.
  • Do not overuse conditioner as it can weigh down the hair. Apply it only to the ends of your hair.
  • Why not try hair care products adapted for thin and fine hair as they strengthen and volumise the hair? These products contain polymers whose job is to wrap themselves around each individual hair and can therefore artificially thicken the hair.


If you have more questions about your hair, you are always welcome to a free consultation with us!