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Does a lack of protein cause hair loss?

Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women and there are many factors that contribute to the problem, one of the most debated factors is the role of protein in hair health. Some believe that a lack of protein in the diet can lead to hair loss, while others claim that other factors, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances, are more significant. In this article, we will explore the relationship between protein and hair loss to determine if protein deficiency is a significant cause of hair loss.

what is the role of protein?

Before delving into the relationship between protein and hair loss, it is important to understand what protein is and its role in the body. Protein is a macronutrient composed of amino acids that play a crucial role in building and repairing tissues in the body. It is also responsible for the growth and maintenance of hair, skin and nails. Protein is found in both animal and plant-based foods, with animal sources, such as meat, fish and dairy products, being more concentrated sources of protein.

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is a natural process that occurs as part of the growth cycle of our hair. On average, we lose around 50-100 hairs per day, which is considered normal. However, when the rate of hair loss exceeds hair growth, it can lead to hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, medication and certain medical conditions.

The relationship between protein and hair loss

Protein plays a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance. Hair follicles are made up of protein, and without a sufficient supply of protein, the hair growth cycle can be disrupted. Protein is also responsible for the production of keratin, a protein that makes up the hair shaft, giving the hair its strength and elasticity.

Several studies have looked at the link between protein and hair loss and one of these is the Journal of Investigative Dermatology which found that protein deficiency can lead to hair loss in both men and women. The study found that mice fed a low-protein diet experienced more hair loss and reduced hair growth. In addition, a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that a diet rich in protein can help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. However, it is important to note that protein deficiency is not the only cause of hair loss but also other factors such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. The most important thing is to deal with it underlying problem to maintain healthy hair.

Protein-rich food to prevent hair loss

If you experience hair loss, increasing your protein intake can be a useful strategy to promote hair growth. Foods high in protein include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Adding these foods to your diet can give your body the amino acids it needs to build and maintain healthy hair. In addition to protein, there are other nutrients that can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. These include iron, zinc, vitamin D and biotin. These nutrients can be found in a variety of foods such as leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, seeds and fortified cereals.


Although the relationship between protein and hair loss is complex, it is clear that protein plays a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance. If you are experiencing hair loss, increasing your protein intake can be a useful strategy to promote hair growth. However, it is important to address underlying issues that may contribute to hair loss, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. By making dietary and lifestyle changes, you can take steps to maintain healthy and vibrant hair.

Do hair thickening shampoos work?

If you have thin, fine hair, you may have wondered if a hair thickening shampoo is the solution for you. In recent years, hair thickening shampoos have grown in popularity as they claim to provide fuller, thicker hair by adding volume to thin or fine hair. 

What is hair thickening shampoo?

Hair thickening shampoos are hair care products designed to add volume to the hair by plumping up individual hairs. These shampoos usually contain ingredients such as proteins, amino acids and keratin, which can penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen it from within. Some hair thickening shampoos also contain polymers that coat the hairs, making them look thicker and fuller. The main mechanism of action of thickening shampoos is to increase the diameter of individual hairs, making them look thicker and fuller.

Do hair thickening shampoos really work?

The effectiveness of hair thickening shampoo depends on various factors, such as the ingredients used, the hair type and the individual's hair care routine. While some people may see visible results after using thickening shampoos, others may not and may not notice any significant difference. It is important to note that thickening shampoos cannot create new hair follicles or increase hair growth. If you are considering using a hair thickening shampoo, there are some factors to consider. Firstly, look for shampoos that contain ingredients such as keratin, amino acids and proteins, which can penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen it from within. In addition, choose a shampoo that is formulated for your specific skin type and texture. It is also important to follow a consistent hair care routine that includes regular shampooing, conditioning and styling. The main disadvantage of using hair thickening shampoos is that the benefits are only temporary so when you switch to regular shampoos, they will peel off the thickening ingredients that cover your hair, causing it to return to its previous thin state.

If you find that your hair has become thinner, it may be a good idea to check whether you have been affected by hair loss.

Read about the eyebrow trend that has increased visits to hair clinics.

We now wish to achieve eyebrows with increased thickness and a more natural look.

Over the past few decades, hair transplantation technology has undergone impressive advances and today offers highly effective solutions for areas such as beards and eyebrows. At our clinic, we have observed an increased demand for eyebrow transplants as the ongoing trend towards fuller and more natural looking eyebrows continues.

Current trends

There is now a stronger emphasis on personal care and grooming, regardless of gender. With the help of eyebrow transplantation, patients can avoid temporary solutions such as eyebrow pencils and microneedle treatments. A single surgery can provide lifelong results, making it a popular and effective solution for achieving fuller eyebrows.

Furthermore, recent years have been characterised by an increased emphasis on personal care and attention to detail when it comes to facial hair. At Akacia Medical, we actively work to help our patients realise their dreams of eyebrows that not only make a significant difference to their facial appearance, but also boost their confidence.

COVID-19 and hair loss

Thousands of people have experienced hair loss after recovering from COVID-19 and many still have residual effects of the disease. Doctors believe that the physical and emotional stress that accompanies a case of COVID-19, can lead to a reversible hair loss condition known as Telogen effluvium.

In fact, we humans can start losing hair a few months after a stressful period or illness in our lives. Hair loss usually occurs a few weeks/months after a stressful event: for example, emotional distress, major surgery or high fever.

What happens is that an abnormal amount of hair is shifted to the telogen or resting phase of the hair growth cycle, which ultimately leads to hair loss. When there is a shock to the system, the body goes into survival mode and focuses only on the important functions and hair growth and retention are not as important functions in the body.

However, as Covid involves a wide range of symptoms, hair loss is not a listed symptom. If you experience hair loss after Covid, your hair will most likely come back in due course as your body recovers. 

Akacia Medical offers various solutions to hair loss in case you need help!

How often should you wash your hair?

Experts claim that there is no clear-cut answer to the question of how often we should wash our hair. But you may not need to do it as often as you think. How often we choose to wash our hair depends on personal preferences and lifestyle. For example, regular exercise can increase the need for hair washing.

Until the 1950s, it was common for people to wash their hair only once a week. But with the introduction of surfactant shampoos, our hair care routines changed. Nowadays, it is common to wash your hair about 3 times a week.

Why do you need to wash your hair?

The natural fat content of the hair is due to the production of sebum from the hair follicles. Sebum plays an important role in the scalp by moisturising the hair and scalp. Therefore, always use gentle sulphate-free shampoos to avoid upsetting the scalp's natural balance. Without sebum, the hair would become dry and lifeless, and the skin would lose its natural moisture.

The hair's need for washing

The hair's need for washing varies with age and individual factors. Generally, hairdressers recommend washing your hair 2 times a week, but it is important to adapt the routine to your hair type. People with thin hair may need to wash their hair more often than those with thicker hair. Curly hair lasts longer without washing because it takes longer for the sebum to reach the ends of the hair. People with curly hair can therefore often make do with washing their hair every three days. For frequent washing, it is important to use a milder shampoo and a moisturising conditioner.

Washing your hair less often

Reducing the number of hair washes can improve hair health, but it is important not to exceed the limit to avoid scalp problems such as seborrhoea.

Consequences of too frequent washing

Washing your hair too often with shampoo can create a vicious cycle by drying out your scalp and stimulating increased production of sebum, which leads to greasy hair faster.

The health of the scalp is essential for good hair.

Scalp health is crucial to promoting strong and vibrant hair growth. Many people who experience scalp problems, such as dryness, itchiness, or overproduction of oils, may be unsure how often they should wash their hair to manage these problems, especially when they also experience hair loss. A well-balanced hair washing routine is essential for maintaining scalp health while preventing and treating hair loss.

Washing the hair regularly with the right type of shampoo can help remove excess oils, dead skin cells and impurities from the scalp, which can reduce the risk of clogging hair follicles and inhibiting hair growth. On the other hand, too frequent washing with strong or drying shampoos can damage the scalp and lead to irritation, which can exacerbate existing problems and possibly contribute to hair loss.

It is important to understand your own hair type and scalp needs to create a suitable washing routine. People with oily scalps may need to wash their hair more often to control excess oil, while those with dry scalps may benefit from washing their hair less often to avoid further drying out the scalp. Using mild and gentle shampoos, preferably sulphate-free options, can be beneficial to maintain the scalp's natural moisture balance and avoid irritation.

Hair washing and hair loss

For many people struggling with hair loss, the question of how often to wash their hair is of particular interest. A common concern is that too frequent washing can exacerbate the problem by drying out the scalp or damaging the hair follicles. On the other hand, insufficient hair washing can lead to the accumulation of oils and impurities that can potentially clog the follicles and negatively affect hair growth. This concern is well-founded, and it is important to find a balanced washing routine that suits both hair type and scalp health to manage hair loss in the best possible way. Consulting with a specialist or dermatologist can be helpful in tailoring an appropriate hair care routine that can help reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

New washing routines for your hair

Changing your washing habits takes time and requires patience. It is important to give the new habits at least a month to evaluate the effects. Start by planning your wash days and staying longer between washes. Over time, your scalp will adapt to the new routine. Also try different shampoos to find the one that best suits your hair type. Avoid washing your hair every day, but if you take a shower, a "fake wash" using only water can be a gentle option to refresh your hair without drying it out. Avoid products with sulphates, which can dry out the scalp and cause overproduction of sebum. Dry shampoo can be a useful tool to extend the time between washes, but avoid applying it directly to the scalp to avoid skin irritation.

It is important to find a balance for your hair and avoid washing it too often or too rarely.

Sapphire: Latest technology to provide a natural & dense placement of hair follicles!

Sapphire is the latest technology for implanting hair follicles with needles and has a diameter of only 0.6 mm, which is less than the industry standard of 0.9 mm.

In this way, we can give our patients an even better result of their hair transplant and an even tighter placement of the hair follicles. No scalpels are used in this method and hair follicles are extracted through special needles (punches).

The FUE method is the best method for hair transplantation and provides higher precision and less tissue damage than working with a 'pencil' that depresses the hair follicles.

The slope of the hair follicles, the depth, the extraction of the hair follicles is related to the result and the survival rate of the relocated hair follicles. The final result can be seen after 12 months. You can have a new hairline that even your hairdresser can't see was created by our hair technicians.


Did you know that a hair transplant is the only permanent method to get additional hair growth on bald areas?