Sweden's most experienced hair clinic
Joel had surgery to get rid of the flint

Joel Svensson, 38, from Gävle, has decided to undergo a hair transplant with us to manage his hair loss. After thinking about it for years and experiencing an emotional struggle with his self-image and self-esteem, he decided to take the plunge.

"I don't want to feel bad and have anxiety every day when I look in the mirror. Because that's how it is - it makes me feel bad," says Joel in an article from Arbetarbladet.

Joel wants to break the silence around male pattern baldness and chose to be open about his operation, both to his colleagues at Partykungen, where he is CEO, and to the public. Many men find it tough to lose their hair and testify to the wide range of medical and cosmetic products designed to slow or stimulate hair growth. Joel feels that it is sensitive to talk about hair loss among his guy friends and acquaintances.

"It's obvious that it's sensitive, many people avoid talking about it. Some almost get angry when you bring it up," Joel tells Arbetarbladet.

The operation, which cost SEK 55,000, was performed at our clinic in Stockholm. During the procedure, 3,500 hair follicles were moved from the neck to areas where the hair had thinned out. The process took almost a full working day and afterwards there was a recovery period during which Joel had to sleep sitting up and avoid physical exertion to protect the newly transplanted hair follicles.

Joel describes his struggle with hair loss as a daily source of anxiety and shame, something he wants to change by talking openly about it. He hopes that his story can help others struggling with similar problems to feel less alone and reduce the stigma surrounding hair loss. Despite the physical discomfort and long recovery period, Joel feels mentally better and is happy with the decision to undergo the surgery.

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5 ways your hair changes as you age

5 ways your hair changes as you age

Are you unhappy with the way your hair looks? Has it started to thin? Are you bald or perhaps disappointed that your hair is losing its healthy lustre? If so, you're not alone. As we age, so does our hair, but how does ageing affect hair?

1. Hair turns grey

Getting grey hair is virtually synonymous with ageing and is mainly caused by changes in the pigment-producing cells located at the base of your hair follicles. As the number and concentration of these cells decrease over time, less colour enters your hair as it grows, resulting in it looking grey or white.

2. Hair thinning

Many studies show that hair tends to thin with age and many women experience hair loss after the menopause.

3. Hair becomes frizzy

Many individuals have observed that their hair has become frizzy with age. Researchers suspect that this has to do with changes in the way your body produces hair. As you age, the hair production process becomes less synchronised, resulting in fewer hairs being produced at the same time, increasing the appearance of frizzy hair. A good conditioner, leave-in spray and oil on the ends can play an important role in reducing frizz.

4. Hair becomes less shiny

The shiny appearance of your hair comes from a layer of oil that is deposited on the hairs as they grow. Lipid production in the body decreases as we age, resulting in hair that looks significantly less shiny.

5. Hair becomes more fragile

Bonds in the hair shafts weaken with age, often resulting in more hair breaking off. To reduce damage to your hair, consider using a comb with wide teeth to reduce stretching the hair strands while brushing and combing it.


Joakim Lundell had his hair transplant at Akacia medical.

Joakim Lundell had his hair transplant on Akacia Medical


Last Friday, Joakim Lundell had a hair transplant with us at Akacia medical. We have shared some videos and pictures on our website. Acacia medical Instagram

Joakim Lundell chose to share his hair transplant because he wants to break the taboo around hair transplants and other procedures aimed at men.

Joakim was a bit nervous about his hair transplant and he transplanted about 2000 hair follicles, 800 at the front and 1200 at the back of his head. Before his transplant, Joakim talked about the procedure in his podcast, Trningen ska fram.

"I'm going to get 2,500 new hair follicles where the greening is poor," says Joakim Lundell in the podcast "Jocke & Jonna - The truth must be revealed".

What I'm most afraid of is the aftercare. For ten days you have to sit and sleep. You can't move, basically, for ten days because your hair can come loose. You have to chain yourself up," he says in the podcast.


How do split ends affect your hair?

How do split ends affect your hair?

Split ends can affect your hair both visually and emotionally. They can make it look tired and lifeless and can even result in hair loss if not treated. It is of utmost importance to care for your hair carefully and avoid factors that can cause split ends.

Regardless of gender or age, the problem of split ends is common. Having fragile and brittle hair can be frustrating, but there are some simple steps you can take to deal with this dilemma.


There are several causes of split ends. One of the most common factors is overexposure to heat, either from styling tools such as hair dryers and straighteners, or from the sun's rays.

Lack of moisture is another trigger for split ends. If you don't regularly moisturise your hair, it can become dry and brittle, which in turn can lead to split ends.

Other possible causes include the use of hair products with alcohol, excessive combing or brushing, and the use of tight hair cords and hairpins.


However, it is possible to prevent split ends by taking action. One key measure is to reduce heat exposure to your hair. If you must use heat styling tools, use a heat protection spray and avoid the highest heat settings.

Regular moisturising is also essential to avoid split ends. Use moisturising shampoo and conditioner, and consider applying a hair mask or leave-in conditioner once a week.

Reducing the frequency of combing and brushing can also help prevent split ends. Use wide combs or brushes with soft bristles and avoid pulling the hair.


If you already suffer from split ends, there are treatment options available. One option is to visit a hairdresser to trim off the damaged ends of your hair. This can prevent the split ends from spreading along the hair shafts.

You can also use special hair cures or treatments designed to repair and moisturise damaged hair. Many products on the market can restore your hair to its original health and lustre.

Continue to apply preventative measures to keep split ends from returning. Avoid excessive heat, make sure your hair is moisturised and handle it gently when combing or brushing it.

K18 is a popular product that offers a solution for split ends. The treatment penetrates the hair shaft and repairs the bonds that hold the hair together. This can reduce the visibility of split ends and improve the look and feel of the hair.

One of the benefits of K18 is its fast and effective action. The treatment takes only a few minutes to apply.

Dermaroller for hair loss?

Dermaroller for hair loss?

Dermarollers have become a popular beauty tool in recent years due to their many benefits, including improving the appearance of the skin and promoting hair growth. However, many people are still unaware of how these tiny needles can help with hair loss. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a dermaroller for hair loss and how it works.

What is a Dermaroller?

A dermaroller is a small handheld device that contains tiny needles on its surface. When rolled over the skin or scalp, these needles create tiny punctures in the skin's surface, triggering the body's natural healing process. This healing process includes the production of collagen and the release of growth factors, which can help promote hair growth.

How does a Dermaroller help with hair loss?

Hair loss can occur due to various factors, including genetics, stress and hormonal imbalances. A common cause of hair loss is the presence of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a by-product of testosterone and can cause hair follicles to shrink, resulting in hair loss. Using a dermaroller can help combat hair loss by increasing blood flow and stimulating the hair follicles. The small punctures made by the needles encourage the body to produce collagen and growth factors, which can promote healthy hair growth. In addition, the increased blood flow to the scalp can help deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, which can improve their health and function.


Tips for using a Dermaroller for hair loss

Before using a dermaroller, it is important to make sure that your scalp is clean and free of any products or deposits. It is also important to choose the right needle size for your hair type and condition. For hair loss, a hole size of 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm is recommended. When using a dermaroller on the scalp, divide the head into sections and roll the device back and forth in each section for several minutes. It is important to be careful not to push too hard, as this can cause damage to the scalp.Hair serums are specialised hair care products that contain active ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals and plant extracts, designed to nourish and strengthen hair. By combining dermarolling with a high-quality hair serum, you can help improve the absorption of these beneficial ingredients and make the most of your skincare routine.

How does diet affect hair health?

How does diet affect hair health?

How does diet affect hair health? Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin, and it requires a balanced diet to grow and maintain its health. If we lack essential nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamins and minerals, it can result in hair loss. In addition, consuming an unhealthy diet, such as processed foods, high sugar and high fat content, can lead to inflammation in the body. Inflammation can damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Foods that cause hair loss

Let's take a look at some of the foods that can cause cancer. hair loss.


Consuming a high amount of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss.


Trans fats are unhealthy fats found in fried and processed foods. Eating a diet rich in trans fats can cause inflammation in the body, leading to hair loss.

Foods with a high glycaemic index

Foods with a high glycaemic index, such as white bread, pasta and rice, can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to inflammation and hair loss.

A diet with too little protein

Keratin, the basic building block of our hair, is a protein. A lack of protein puts you at greater risk of hair loss. Protein can be obtained from lean meat, lentils, spinach, beans, tofu and more.

Food without Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that our body needs but cannot produce on its own, can lead to hair loss. Omega 3s are important for maintaining healthy hair follicles, and a deficiency can result in weak and brittle hair, leading to hair loss.Therefore, it is crucial to consume foods rich in Omega 3s or consider taking supplements to maintain healthy hair.


Consuming too much alcohol can lead to dehydration and nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to hair loss.

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can cause inflammation and damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Semi-finished products

Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and salt, which can cause inflammation and nutritional deficiencies, leading to hair loss.

Vitamin A

Although vitamin A is important for hair health, consuming too much can be harmful. Consuming excess vitamin A can lead to hair loss.

Too little calcium in their diet

Lack of calcium is a very common factor in hair loss but not many people pay enough attention to it. While it is important to note the benefits of calcium for hair, it is equally important to know the consequences of a lack of calcium. By far the most common are dairy products, leafy vegetables and nuts. Vegetable alternatives to milk are often enriched with calcium.


In conclusion, our diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair. Eating a balanced diet, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, can help prevent hair loss. On the other hand, consuming an unhealthy diet, rich in sugar, trans fats and processed foods, can lead to inflammation, nutrient deficiencies and hair loss. Therefore, eating a healthy diet is essential for healthy hair. If you are trying to achieve a balance and want to know how your body feels, you can take a health test. 

In addition to dietary changes, some lifestyle changes can also help prevent hair loss.